




Topology Ⅰ, Summer Semester 2021

Welcome to the webpage of Topology Ⅰ. In the first part of the course we will study point-set topology. The later part of the course consists of algebraic topology.

Course Outline


Lecture Notes

Lecture 1 (13/04/2021), Lecture 2 (16/04/2021)

Lecture 3 (20/04/2021), Lecture 4 (23/04/2021)

Lecture 5 (27/04/2021), Problem session 1 (27/04/2021), Lecture 6 (30/04/2021)

Lecture 7 (04/05/2021), Problem session 2 (04/05/2021), Lecture 8 (07/05/2021)

Lecture 9 (11/05/2021), Problem session 3 (11/05/2021), Lecture 10 (18/05/2021)

Lecture 11 (21/05/2021), Problem session 4 (25/05/2021), Lecture 12 (25/05/2021)

Lecture 13 (28/05/2021), Problem session 5 (01/06/2021), Lecture 14 (01/06/2021)

Lecture 15 (04/06/2021), Lecture 16 (08/06/2021), Problem session 6 (08/06/2021)

Lecture 17 (11/06/2021), Lecture 18 (15/06/2021),Lecture 19 (18/06/2021)

Lecture 20 (22/06/2021), Problem session 7 (22/06/2021), Lecture 21 (25/06/2021)

Lecture 22 (29/06/2021), Problem session 8 (29/06/2021), Lecture 23 (02/07/2021)

Lecture 24 (06/07/2021), Lecture 25 (06/07/2021), Lecture 26 (06/07/2021)

Lecture 27 (13/07/2021), Lecture 28 (16/07/2021)

Problem Sets

Problem Set 1 (due 27/04/2021)

Problem Set 2 (due 04/05/2021)

Problem Set 3 (due 11/05/2021)

Problem Set 4 (due 01/06/2021)

Problem Set 5 (due 08/06/2021)

Problem Set 6 (due 22/06/2021)

Problem Set 7 (due 29/06/2021)

Problem Set 8 (due 13/07/2021)