




Introduction to the Ricci Flow, Winter Semester 2024-25

This course is an introduction to the beautiful and useful topic of the Ricci Flow. This page will contain all the information related to the course.

Course Outline

Lectures: Tuesdays 10:15-11:45 in Sed 19, 221.

Tutorials: Every alternate Tuesdays starting 22nd October 12:15-13:45 in Sed 19, 205 (Note the different classroom).


Lecture Notes

For some topics (but not all), I'll upload hand-written lecture notes.

Basic Riemannian Geometry 1

Covariant derivatives


Basic differential operators on manifolds

Ricci flow as heat equation

Variation formulas along the Ricci flow

Problem sets

Problem sets will normally be posted here every Tuesday/Wednesday and discussed in the problem session the following week. It is highly recommended that you try to attempt all the problems. This will be beneficial to your understanding of the course material.

Problem Set 1 (due on 05.11.2024) [Hint/Solutions]

Problem Set 2 (due on 26.11.2024) [Hint/Solutions]

Problem Set 3 (due on 10.12.2024)

Problem Set 4 (due on 07.01.2025)

Problem Set 5 (due on 21.01.2025)